Irina Stoeva

Administrative Manager

Irina holds both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Accounting from the University of National and World Economy. At the outset of her career, she embarked on her professional journey within accounting firms, where she not only gained practical experience but also deepened her knowledge. In these roles, she provided comprehensive accounting services to a diverse array of businesses.

Five years into her career, having ascended to the position of financial manager, Irina shifted her focus towards corporate finance, assuming various roles within multinational corporations. This transition afforded her the opportunity to expand her financial and accounting acumen, all while cultivating her professional ethics within the dynamic landscape of a multicultural work environment.

Irina has gained experience in structuring, migrating, and optimizing processes, all while upholding sustainable business practices.

In addition to her contributions to the international finance sector, Irina derives satisfaction from her involvement in activities centered around corporate social responsibility. She actively participates in specialized teams dedicated to fostering greater corporate engagement in community service initiatives, social and environmental responsibility, charitable endeavors, and volunteer work. Within these teams, Irina also takes on the role of prioritizing the enhancement of the working atmosphere and interpersonal relationships, organizing regular informal meetings and team-building activities to boost employee satisfaction and engagement.

These supplementary pursuits have reshaped Irina’s professional interests significantly.

In her current capacity as Administrative Manager, Irina combines her prior experiences with her strong commitment to bettering the social environment.

Димитър Цоцорков

Board of Directors

Велислава Цоцоркова

Board of Directors

Атанаска Цоцоркова

Board of Directors

Йоана Маринова

Executive Director

Димитрина Папагалска

Operations Manager

Program Manager Education

Светла Цачевска

Program Director Culture

Program Director Child Protection

Program Director Healthcare

Administrative Manager